
The People's Jury is a dispute resolute service for individuals. Accordingly, no statements or representations by The People's Jury should be construed as legal advice, nor do we render legal assistance in any matters. All outcomes are non-binding and are only entered into according to personal agreement between individuals.


  • A person (the 'Plaintiff') creates a case against another person (the 'Defendant'), clearly laying out the complaint and context
  • The Defendant chooses to proceed with the case
  • An anonymous online jury is formed using an equal number of submissions from the litigants as well as randomly sourced jurors. All jurors must agree to participate.
  • The 'Trial' proceeds once the jury is seated. Litigants have a chance to clarify their case via statements and responding to juror questions.
  • Finally, a decision is rendered in the case.

Case Phases

Case Created Add basic info, including defendant info and at least one filing (of type complaint)
Case Closed Close case before trial starts
Trial Agreement Both parties agree to go to trial, and also the Basis for the trial
Jury Proposition Phase participants propose jurors
Jury Revision Phase Participants may reject jurors
Jury Selection Phase Jurors are selected
Defendant Statement The Defendant responds to the Complaint
Plaintiff Response The Plaintiff responds to the Defendant)
Jury Consideration A period of deliberation follows during which the jury considers the evidence presented and optionally composes questions for the parties. Questions are posed anonymously to each party and there is a period of time to respond them.
Jury Deliberation A period of time for each jury member to ponder the case indepenently. During this time each jury member issues their decision on the case.
Completed Case Completed

Case Basis

Minimum Jurors Per Side1 Jurors
Maximum Jurors Per Side3 Jurors
Jury Proposition Time7 Days
Jury Revision Time7 Days
Maximum Jury Rejection Proportion50 %
Minimum Jury Size2 Jurors
Jury Selection Time7 Days
Deliberation Time7 Days
Majority Decision Minimum Votes5 Votes
Majority Decision Threshold80 %